"He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation."
Mark 16:15
There is a general call on the life of every believer. The Great Commission as it is known, is a call to arms, a call for believers everywhere to go into every part of the world and preach the gospel—the good news of a saviour to all creation. Guided by the Holy Spirit, every Christian translates this into a daily, specific, and personal mission for daily life.
In the same vein, there’s a specific call on us as SCRIBES, directed by the Holy Spirit in May, 2017 when God gave our President this mandate:
“Preach the gospel of Christ through the creative arts…”
From that time onwards, this has been our overarching goal through various events, and activities. With the help of the spirit, we have been at it, a journey of AWAKening; from announcing the call for all believers to Arise in anticipation of the bridegroom, we entreated all believers to rise and take their positions as Watchmen in this world, As we prayed we sought to inspire a call back to the place of prayer. This led us to be more intentional with Knowing God, who called us for this cause. And now we’re at the brink of an even greater MOVE! A set time to making this God we’ve been chasing known to our world.
So our goal is one. Our focus is singular. We’re taking Jesus to our world, to the streets, to the campuses, to restaurants, online and anywhere anyone will listen.
Jesus to our world, through the creative arts; through spoken word, poetry, dance, music and all the in-between. We’re moving hard for Jesus.
This is an all-hands-on-deck thing.
Let’s spend our energies for Jesus together.
Your time, efforts, money, talents
Any form of supply is welcome.
This is Missions
This is Outreach
Via Events.
Consider this an invitation to join us in this MOVE!
So excited about this year