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Welcome to our year of Knowing Him.

Updated: Jan 5

Mental ascent; learning about something, memorising it and using the stored information in some way is an amazing skill every human being possesses. Our Christian life mostly starts in this same manner. We start learning as much as we can about God, memorising verses, reading and listening to the bible stories, sermons and so on. Satisfying our curiosity and generally being excited about our newfound knowledge.

But somewhere along the line, when the dissonance between what the bible says and what our daily lives portray becomes more and more glaring, an internal conflict begins to arise. It becomes increasingly apparent that we need more than just words, more than just memorised stories, more than just anecdotes, and witty one-liners.

At that point, it can go one of several ways; 

  • We can go the line of disbelief and let our doubts snuff out the knowledge of God we’ve accumulated.

  • We can resort to finding our way and relegate God and Christianity to just some ancient knowledge that doesn’t quite have any bearing on our daily lives. 

  • We can try to accumulate more and more information to try to appease our picture of God hoping that one day, God will acknowledge our zeal and work things out for our good.

  • Or we can let our circumstances, however good, bad and ugly, lead us to a deeper pursuit of God and what he has to say about us.

This year our focus is to live and breathe the latter. Much more than just mere mental ascent, we want our daily experiences, confusions, successes, and disappointments to be the catalyst to a deeper search with God. 

But one thing remains true… this search will not always be what we anticipate, we know that not all our questions will be answered the way we want, but the journey is the goal.

Much more than fully-fledged answers that only satisfy our mental curiosity, we want to be lost in the pursuit, such that at any point, we want to be found chasing God. To know all we can about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit and why He is relevant to us today. To experience a living relationship with the Lord of the Bible and not just accumulate more bible stories. 

This year we want to say just like Paul said in Philippians 3:10….

 I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, 

Welcome to our year of Knowing Him!!

38 views3 comments


Hope Keteni
Hope Keteni
Jan 03

Such an interesting read, so glad that this year is where we go back to the basics to understand our Lord God, in an intimate manner. Thank you Jesus for revelation


Michael Bruce Gyamfi
Michael Bruce Gyamfi
Jan 03

Time to have an intimacy. Our year of knowing


Nii lante Mills
Nii lante Mills
Jan 02

I am super excited about this year's theme. It's a year of knowing our Lord intimately.

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